Monday, November 22, 2010

Grand Teton 2010

John Teten roped in on the Grand's Enclosure Peak.

We were on top of Enclosure around 9 AM after leaving the high camp
 (see below) just after 4:30 the same morning.  In the scramble to head
out in the dark to make the saddle by day break,  John could not find
his headlamp. No headlamp, no assent on the mountain.  We rigged a
 maglite to his helmet with duct tape and the rest is history. 

Grand Teton High Camp, Grand Teton National Park, WY

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I live on Myrtle

Destruction and renewal in Brooklyn
Myrtle Avenue, Bed Stuy

Friday, September 17, 2010

Midtown Collage Afternoon Daydream at Work

51st Between Broadway and 7th Ave.

  Contrary to what some people may be saying, it's always good to look out the window.  Especially if in a new space, it could change the rest of your day.  

  Looking out the window on the 13th floor of an old theater district building I looked up into the canopy. Tho because the window would not open fully I was forced to tilt my head in such a way to actually see that I saw this crazy flow of lines and sky. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Willy Done Done It

Tudy and William with time running out
Bachelor Party, San Antonio Bay, TX
Once upon a time back in April...
Mrs. Sara and Mr. William Teten Jr.

Corpus Christi, TX 5/30/10

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Steep Incline

Steep Creek, Bitterroot Range, Montana

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chase the Dreamer

Chase, Motion Graphic Designer, BedStuy

Chase translates three dimensional ideas into the realities of a two dimensional world.  Simply put, he's damn good, but his aptitude and eagerness to collaborate is infectious and makes him one of the best out there.  He's the kind of guy who built rockets as a kid, and not surprisingly,  his last client was NASA. 

Check out his website,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Smiles in BedStuy-- The Creative Frontier

Roberta, Actress, BedStuy 

 ROBERTA goes through her normal routine before an audition;  a final glance at dialog,  decaf tea, and a wacky look into the mirror to keep things light.
     "It's not easy starting out, there's a million people who would die for this same spot so it doesn't work trying to wrap your head around the whole process.  You just have to be you."
     Roberta moved to New York from Austin and has been in Bed-Stuy the whole time.
     "I love this neighborhood. It's away from a lot of the shit that bogs people down in this city, but close enough to get around no problem. All my neighbors are artists of some sort, we all vibe off eachother."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doors of Perception

    Regina and Alex, Summer in Philly, July 2009

It feels like in the dead of winter a warm summer breeze is something impossible to ever feel again.  Eyes scan the horizon-- nothing, the low marsh-- like quiet flashing thoughts, feeling the buzz of evolutionary adaptations to the bitters of frozen life.  Shiver!  

Planets turn and orbit as time moves forward-- Gulf winds prevail-- restoring warmth as life's little nudge to jump into cold water and enjoy all over again.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mmm Train

Two young Jamaican's hash it out:

     "Oh yeah man! Go ahead, do that shit, it'll be great.  You'll love yourself forever.  It'll be like a communion to God."
     "I'll do it because I want to.  Because it's what I desire. It's not God, it's my free will to float or flounder."
     "Great. Skate around God." 
     "I'm not skating, there's nothing to skate on." 

-- Overheard on the M train between Flushing and Myrtle/Broadway.  

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tis' the Season, is it 2011 yet?

Friends on Myrtle, the annual Christmas shoot.  From left to right; Roberta, Joscelyn, Matt, Cristin, Regina

Living room set, Lincoln gripping the softbox.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lincoln Major, Video Artist

In Bed-Stuy, December 2009

Check out the new web series on youtube RIGHT HERE 


Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's January!

Bed-Stuy Brooklyn; Hart St. & Throop Ave.

In the wee hours of an icy precipitous day in Brooklyn, the sun stood idle behind a think sea of cloud cover that created a deep diffusion, allowing hardly any light  to permeate through the frozen waterfall in the sky.   In the mask of darkness and reveal of powder blanket, everything disappeared.  As the earth continued on with its turn-and-twist, the light prevailed.  We slowly moved towards the door with laced boots and hit the covered walks and thoroughfares.